
With LOVE SOLDIERS Selwyn Senatori wants to make a pacifistic statement. His goal is to spread as much LOVE SOLDIERS as possible all over the world to create an army to send this message. The LOVE SOLDIER is a piece of art based on the American ‘Toy Soldier’.


Expected delivery : mid/end-April 2023
50% of net profits will be donated to War Child


The Love Soldiers are the ultimate pacifist statement. It arose from a collective sense of aversion to war in general. Now and in the future. It is mainly about the fear of the destruction of the planet and your children. By purchasing a love soldier you can become part of the love soldier community. In this way we create a pacifist army with an anti-war ideology, with which we all leave our mark. We are sending a clear signal that we are against the war.
#Kiev #amsterdam #berlin #Antwerp #New York #London #Tokyo Be A Love Soldier #Kiev #amsterdam #berlin #Antwerp #New York #London #Tokyo Be A Love Soldier #Kiev #amsterdam #berlin #Antwerp #New York #London #Tokyo Be A Love Soldier
#Kiev #amsterdam #berlin #Antwerp #New York #London #Tokyo Be A Love Soldier #Kiev #amsterdam #berlin #Antwerp #New York #London #Tokyo Be A Love Soldier #Kiev #amsterdam #berlin #Antwerp #New York #London #Tokyo Be A Love Soldier

love soldiers
by selwyn senatori

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